Victoria Kurchenko

During the SEED 2.0 training, I liked the lectures on project management and sustainable development. The materials of almost all sessions were very useful when writing the business plan for the project. The friendly atmosphere created by the mentors and the project team supported and motivated development.

Therapeutic feed for grape snails

The search for the perfect food for demanding snails is a challenge for professionals. Viktoriia Kurchenko, a biologist from Dnipro National University named after Oles Honchar, took on this challenge, assisted by colleagues-scientists Oleh Nesterenko and Oleh Marenkov.

The team has extensive experience in treating grape snails and conducts evaluations of their physiological condition, biochemical and histopathological studies, as well as the development of formulations for balanced feed.

Snail farms are a new promising business in Ukraine, with approximately 90% of the production exported to EU countries. Responding to numerous requests from snail farmers, Viktoria decided to organize a team of colleagues to jointly develop a recipe for feed that would have a therapeutic effect and prevent the development of diseases. Such feeds are not currently available on the Ukrainian market.

Viktoriia and her team have some developments that have successfully passed initial experimental studies.

Viktoriia came to SEED 2.0 to transform laboratory research into a working business model.

“During the SEED 2.0 training, I liked the lectures on project management and sustainable development. The materials of almost all sessions were very useful when writing the business plan for the project. The friendly atmosphere created by the mentors and the project team supported and motivated development,” said Viktoriia.

The grant received will help Viktoriia and her colleagues develop and release the first batch of therapeutic and prophylactic feed, as well as launch and establish a business in the production of feeds for mollusks.

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