Dmytro Lobach

My goal is to make the apiary even more extensive and technologically advanced, as well as to continue breeding work with Ukrainian steppe bees.


Dmytro Lobach has been engaged in beekeeping for 19 years. In 2004, he started from scratch: he bred bees and made hives himself, and his brother and father helped extract honey. Before the large-scale war, his apiary had more than 130 bee families, and his clients included people from all over Ukraine. Dmytro paid special attention to the selection and dissemination of the Ukrainian steppe breed of bees.

When the full-scale war began, Dmytro’s apiary was in the combat zone and was destroyed by artillery shelling. The house and yard were also damaged. Under constant shelling, only a few surviving hives and some equipment could be evacuated.
Above all, Dmytro now strives for victory, and with it, the restoration of his apiary in its previous location. He will use the grant funds to purchase bees and materials for new hives. Dmytro’s goal is to make the apiary even more extensive and technologically advanced, as well as to continue breeding work with Ukrainian steppe bees.

The knowledge gained during training on SEED 2.0 and joining a community of like-minded individuals will undoubtedly help him. These connections can become valuable business partners in the future.

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