Oleksandr Puzyrnyi

The most important thing for me during training in SEED 2.0 was to hear the opinions of my ‘classmates,’ as well as feedback from lecturers and mentors. I was able to look at my business from the side and find new growth points.

Tea “Wild Dews”

Ukraine has its tea tradition, and Oleksandr Puzyrnyi is one of those enthusiasts actively developing it. The brand “Dyki Rosy” (in Ukrainian means “Wild dews”) is engaged in the production of pressed gift teas from Ukrainian fermented raw materials, mainly wild plants. All family members are involved in the business: Oleksandr’s wife Kateryna, their 7-year-old son Zakhar, and their 15-year-old daughter Oleksandra.

The original presentation in the form of a chocolate bar and a medal with the logo makes “Dyki Rosy” tea an excellent gift option. The enterprise is only two years old, but this tea is already widely known both in Ukraine and beyond its borders.
The tea is called “Dyki Rosy” because it is made from wild plants and organic raw materials grown on farms in different regions of Ukraine. This way, farmers have a source of raw material sales, and Oleksandr and his family have diversified the risks of supply.

Often, business development is greatly aided by advice and comments from colleagues. This is what Oleksandr needed the most: “The most important thing for me during training in SEED 2.0 was to hear the opinions of my ‘classmates,’ as well as feedback from lecturers and mentors. I was able to look at my business from the side and find new growth points.”

Quality equipment is half the success of the business. The grant support from SEED 2.0 will help Oleksandr purchase it. After that, he has ambitious plans for scaling – launching a new line of natural flavored teas with the addition of honey, propolis, and spices.

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