Olena Samarska

Justice, social responsibility, and understanding that the well-being of all is possible through unity are the core values of our farm. These principles align perfectly with the principles of sustainable development discussed during our training in the SEED 2.0 project. After completing the program, I have more knowledge and skills to develop our family farm.

Family farm “Cooperation of Success”

Olena Samarska leads the family farm “Kooperatsiya uspikhu” (in Ukrainian means “Cooperation of success”), continuing her father’s farming legacy. In the Pereshchepyne territorial community, over 500 small-scale producers face numerous challenges with minimal incomes. The goal of “Kooperatsiya uspikhu” is to unite small farmers within the community, creating a communal space for conducting business.

The cooperative already possesses facilities, land, machinery, and skilled professionals with unique knowledge. All of these assets currently contribute to harvesting and marketing crops, with potential collaboration with other farmers to store and process their grain, as well as seeking wholesale markets.

Olena has ambitious plans for farm development, including meeting EU requirements for grain exports, transitioning the warehouse to alternative autonomous energy sources, and consequently achieving significant sales growth.

“Justice, social responsibility, and understanding that the well-being of all is possible through unity are the core values of our farm. These principles align perfectly with the principles of sustainable development discussed during our training in the SEED 2.0 project. After completing the program, I have more knowledge and skills to develop our family farm,” notes Olena.

Olena’s dream is for every person in the village to have a decent income and be able to live in favorable conditions.

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