Alla Shcherbina

I liked the thoroughness in selecting topics, the inspiration of the lecturers, the quality of material presentation, and most importantly — the engagement in the SEED community of like-minded individuals.

Craft wine made of fruit and berries

“What to do with the raspberries that can’t be sold?” This question was the beginning of Maksym and Alla Shcherbina’s journey into the world of craft winemaking. For three years now, the family has been developing their brand, “Craft Wine Collection.”

Initially, the production needs were met with barrels with a capacity of 100 liters. Today, the winery boasts vessels with a capacity of 4300 liters, serving customers who appreciate wine from all across Ukraine.

The full-scale invasion by Russia significantly impacted the business. The war halted the implementation of all plans for development for a year and added another significant expense category — donations to support the Ukrainian Armed Forces.
To continue developing their business despite unfavorable circumstances, Maxim and Alla joined the SEED 2.0 project. “I liked the thoroughness in selecting topics, the inspiration of the lecturers, the quality of material presentation, and most importantly — the engagement in the SEED community of like-minded individuals,” notes Alla.

The received grant will be directed towards the purchase of containers for wine storage, as well as equipment for bottling. With these additions, their natural, aromatic, and flavorful wine will be better preserved for their future consumers.

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